'Scribus Python-Konsole\n\nThis is a standard Python console with some \nknown limitations. Please consult the Scribus\nScripter documentation for futher information. ' 'true' {'getLayers': , 'OVERLAY': 5, 'pasteObject': , 'ICON_INFORMATION': 1, 'getLayerTransparency': , 'scaleImage': , 'resizeTableColumn': , 'PAPER_B3': (1002.0, 1418.0), 'createLayer': , 'UNIT_PICAS': 3, 'moveSelectionToFront': , 'BUTTON_NO': 65536, 'UNIT_P': 3, 'scribus_version': '1.5.3', 'importPage': , 'PAPER_A4': (595.0, 842.0), 'insertTableRows': , 'COLOR': 14, 'getPageItems': , 'NotFoundError': , 'newPage': , 'BUTTON_IGNORE': 1048576, 'setFontFeatures': , 'fileQuit': , 'FACINGPAGES': 1, 'FILL_RADIALG': 5, 'COLOR_BURN': 11, 'setImageGrayscale': , 'PDFfile': , 'setCellLeftBorder': , 'pageDimension': , 'setImageOffset': , 'traceText': , 'UNIT_MILLIMETERS': 1, 'FIRSTPAGELEFT': 0, 'FILL_DIAGONALG': 3, 'getTableColumns': , 'insertHtmlText': , 'setCellStyle': , 'setGradientFill': , 'setLineShade': , 'setCellTopBorder': , 'getFillBlendmode': , 'PAPER_B0': (2836.0, 4008.0), 'setTextScalingV': , 'linkTextFrames': , 'LANDSCAPE': 1, 'insertText': , 'getActiveLayer': , 'getDocName': , 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'setFillTransparency': , 'PAPER_LETTER': (612.0, 792.0), 'getLineTransparency': , 'textFlowMode': , 'currentPage': , 'pageCount': , 'getAllText': , 'getCellRowSpan': , 'isLayerPrintable': , 'NOFACINGPAGES': 0, 'setCornerRadius': , 'ALIGN_CENTERED': 1, 'statusMessage': , 'PAGE_2': 1, 'JOIN_MITTER': 0, 'getText': , 'getTextDistances': , 'UNIT_CICERO': 5, '__doc__': "Scribus Python interface module\n\nThis module is the Python interface for Scribus. It provides functions\nto control scribus and to manipulate objects on the canvas. Each\nfunction is documented individually below.\n\nA few things are common across most of the interface.\n\nMost functions operate on frames. Frames are identified by their name,\na string - they are not real Python objects. Many functions take an\noptional (non-keyword) parameter, a frame name.\nMany exceptions are also common across most functions. These are\nnot currently documented in the docstring for each function.\n- Many functions will raise a NoDocOpenError if you try to use them\nwithout a document to operate on.\n- If you do not pass a frame name to a function that requires one,\nthe function will use the currently selected frame, if any, or\nraise a NoValidObjectError if it can't find anything to operate\non.\n- Many functions will raise WrongFrameTypeError if you try to use them\non a frame type that they do not make sense with. For example, setting\nthe text color on a graphics frame doesn't make sense, and will result\nin this exception being raised.\n- Errors resulting from calls to the underlying Python API will be\npassed through unaltered. As such, the list of exceptions thrown by\nany function as provided here and in its docstring is incomplete.\n\nDetails of what exceptions each function may throw are provided on the\nfunction's documentation, though as with most Python code this list\nis not exhaustive due to exceptions from called functions.\n", 'getLineStyle': , 'createText': , 'setLineWidth': , 'saveDoc': , 'getTextLength': , 'DARKEN': 1, 'getAllStyles': , 'NORMAL': 0, 'LINE_SOLID': 1, 'FILL_NOG': 0, 'PAPER_B6': (355.0, 501.0), 'setObjectAttributes': , 'loadImage': , 'PAPER_B5': (501.0, 709.0), 'UNIT_INCHES': 2, 'ALIGN_FORCED': 4, 'FILL_HORIZONTALG': 1, 'setBaseLine': , 'setUnit': , 'ImageExport': , 'savePDFOptions': , 'UNIT_IN': 2, 'ScribusException': , 'placeEPS': , 'UNIT_PT': 0, 'mm': 0.35277777777777775, 'duplicateObject': , 'isLocked': , 'setCellBottomPadding': , 'ICON_WARNING': 2, 'WrongFrameTypeError': , 'deleteColor': , 'setInfo': , 'messagebarText': , 'scaleGroup': , 'PORTRAIT': 0, 'getTextLines': , 'getFont': , 'setColumnGap': , 'getColor': , 'getSelectedObject': , 'mergeTableCells': , 'PAPER_LEGAL': (612.0, 1008.0), 'getObjectAttributes': , 'setLayerTransparency': , 'getPropertyCType': , 'setLayerPrintable': , 'setTableTopBorder': , 'p': 1.0, 'setCellText': , 'isSpotColor': , 'PAPER_EXECUTIVE': (542.0, 720.0), 'setLineSpacingMode': , 'Printer': , 'newStyleDialog': , 'setFillShade': , 'getColorNames': , 'placeODG': , 'dehyphenateText': , 'PAPER_A0': (2380.0, 3368.0), 'HARD_LIGHT': 6, '__name__': 'scribus', 'setText': , 'getColumnGap': , 'setActiveLayer': , 'defineColorRGB': , 'createPolyLine': , 'PAPER_A9': (105.0, 148.0), 'setLineJoin': , 'getPageNSize': , 'LIGHTEN': 2, 'getFontNames': , 'removeTableColumns': , 'BUTTON_OK': 1024, 'setTextScalingH': , 'hyphenateText': , 'getLineColor': , 'setTableBottomBorder': , 'FIRSTPAGERIGHT': 1, 'insertTableColumns': , 'closeMasterPage': , 'setTextStroke': , 'haveDoc': , 'PAPER_A2': (1190.0, 1684.0), 'SATURATION': 13, 'BUTTON_NONE': 0, 'getPosition': , 'PAPER_B7': (250.0, 355.0), 'placeSVG': , 'cm': 0.035277777777777776, 'setTableRightBorder': , 'getCornerRadius': , 'getTextShade': , 'getImageFile': , 'removeTableRows': , 'setLineBlendmode': , 'PAPER_B10': (89.0, 125.0), 'readPDFOptions': , 'setCellRightBorder': , 'getImageScale': , 'pt': 1.0, 'setLineSpacing': , 'setLineStyle': , 'HUE': 12, 'flipObject': , 'setTextColor': , 'mainInterpreter': True, 'NoValidObjectError': , 'placeSXD': , 'getTableRowHeight': , 'getColorAsRGB': , 'PAPER_FOLIO': (595.0, 935.0), 'docChanged': , 'getFontSize': , 'groupObjects': , 'setFontSize': , 'getPageSize': , 'setMargins': , 'mainWindow': , 'newDoc': , 'MULTIPLY': 3, 'setColumns': , 'moveObjectAbs': , 'setLineCap': , 'getFillColor': , 'getVGuides': , 'progressSet': , 'gotoPage': , 'LINE_DOT': 3, 'scribus_version_info': (1, 5, 3, '', 0), 'setTableStyle': , '__loader__': } b'zxc zxc vzxcv s\rdfg\r sd\rfgsbdfg\re\rtrghr' b'g\re' b'zxc zxc vzxcv s\rdfg\r sd\rfgsbdfGREg\re\rtr'