View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0013072ScribusUsabilitypublic2024-12-30 15:27
ReporterJLuc Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status confirmedResolutionopen 
PlatformLinuxOSUbuntuOS Version14.04
Product Version1.5.0 
Target Version1.5.5 
Summary0013072: Grouped items loose their text flow shape behaviour
DescriptionGrouped items loose their text flow shape behaviours.
- The group objects has its own text flow behaviour that defaults to none.
- The previously defined 'text flow shape' behaviour of each grouped item is ignored

That's a usability issue with groups because generally speaking, user groups items when their inside-edit is done, and text flow is part of it and should not be lost when grouping them (all the more since it's not easy to select and edit an item once it has been made part of a group).

Solution would be :
1- group objects text flow shape behaviour should default to the same resulting behaviour as with the not-grouped items
2- group objects could optionnaly have their own textflow shape behaviour that would override the resulting behaviour of their included items (that's what done now)
3- in such a case, ungrouping items would restore the items textflow shape behaviour

Since (2) is what is done now, the UI for (1) could be just another option in the property pane of the group object : 'use grouped items properties' or 'use each grouped item's properties'. That new option would be the default setting for freshly created 'group' objects.

Remark : i've long experienced or believed that ungrouping did not restore the intialy defined properties of each single grouped item, as if it had been reset to 'none' during grouping and ungrouping action, but it appears that this isnt true in today's releases. I'm not sure it doesnt happens sometime yet, in not predictable circumstances......
Steps To Reproduce- create doc
- create big text frame, fill it with random text
- create 2 small text or image frames on top of big text frame

- set one of the small frames text-flow-shape's behaviour to "contour" or "frame rectangle"
- see how the text flows around this last frame

- group 2 small items.
- move them or dounble click so as to force display refresh
- see : the text doesnt flow around anything anymore
Additional Informationscreencast added
Persists on 1.5.2svn r21245
TagsNo tags attached.


child of 0003812 acknowledged Metabug: Grouped objects 
child of 0013075 acknowledged Metabug: missing display refresh 



2015-06-18 22:04

updater   ~0035441

Last edited: 2015-06-18 22:07

I can't reproduce this exactly on OSX 10.10.3 1.5.1svn r20174
because after grouping the text flows correctly....
Unless I move the grouped textboxes. Then the flow is lost

Edit: changed the report


2015-06-19 19:27

developer   ~0035451

Kunda : after grouping, you only believe the text flows correctly because the display is not refreshed. This is a refresh issue, but when display were refreshed, you could see the flow is wrong. That refresh happens when you next move the boxes.


2016-04-26 23:52


flow-forgotten.gif (737,043 bytes)   
flow-forgotten.gif (737,043 bytes)   


2016-04-26 23:53

updater   ~0040529

Last edited: 2016-04-26 23:54

Added a screencast to illustrate the issue.

Edit: still persists on 1.5.2svn r21245


2024-12-30 15:27

manager   ~0051838

with the current code, the flow is correctly updated when grouping.

but the "flow around" settings defined on items inside of a group are ignored.
(the flowing around is (now) restored when the group is released).

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-05-20 15:02 JLuc New Issue
2015-05-20 15:04 JLuc Description Updated
2015-05-20 15:10 JLuc Steps to Reproduce Updated
2015-05-20 15:10 JLuc Steps to Reproduce Updated
2015-05-20 15:12 JLuc Summary Grouped items text flow behaviour => Grouped items loose their text flow shape behaviour
2015-05-20 15:13 JLuc Description Updated
2015-05-20 15:13 JLuc Description Updated
2015-05-20 15:21 JLuc Description Updated
2015-05-20 15:22 JLuc Description Updated
2015-05-20 15:44 JLuc Description Updated
2015-05-21 12:32 Kunda Relationship added child of 0003812
2015-06-18 22:04 Kunda Note Added: 0035441
2015-06-18 22:06 Kunda Note Edited: 0035441
2015-06-18 22:07 Kunda Note Edited: 0035441
2015-06-19 06:03 JLuc Tag Attached: please_confirm
2015-06-19 19:24 JLuc Relationship added child of 0013075
2015-06-19 19:27 JLuc Note Added: 0035451
2015-06-19 19:29 JLuc Steps to Reproduce Updated
2015-06-19 19:29 JLuc Tag Detached: please_confirm
2015-06-19 19:30 JLuc Assigned To => JLuc
2015-06-19 19:30 JLuc Status new => confirmed
2015-06-19 19:40 JLuc Assigned To JLuc =>
2016-04-26 23:52 Kunda File Added: flow-forgotten.gif
2016-04-26 23:53 Kunda Note Added: 0040529
2016-04-26 23:54 Kunda Target Version => 1.5.4.svn
2016-04-26 23:54 Kunda Additional Information Updated
2016-04-26 23:54 Kunda Note Edited: 0040529
2018-04-30 12:40 jghali Target Version 1.5.4.svn => 1.5.5
2024-12-30 15:27 ale Note Added: 0051838