View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0017372ScribusTypographypublic2025-02-23 19:36
ReporterRajagopala Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformMacOSMacOSOS Version11.7
Product Version1.6.3 
Summary0017372: Paste with formatting
DescriptionThe lack of this feature is a deal breaker for most people who are interested to use Scribus, coming from other software.

Copy/Paste should include maintaining: Fonts, font styles per character (italic, bold, underline, etc.), font colors, font sizes, and ideally paragraph and character styles to be converted into Scribus styles.

How much money do you need to get this done?
Steps To ReproduceCopy text from anywhere else, and no formatting is kept in pasting. No fonts, no italics, no bold. We have to re-do everything!
Additional InformationEvery other application has this feature. What is stopping Scribus?
TagsNo tags attached.



2025-01-11 09:08

manager   ~0051904

I guess that there are three main problems here.

First, Scribus has been created for "old" workflows, for people who were carefully preparing their sources and then properly loading them into the layout.
Time have changed faster than Scribus...

Anther issue is that Scribus must support multiple platforms and multiple sources: forcing the user to load (advanced) content from files simplifies much the detection and reduces the number of different cases.
There are examples that seem to work rather well (LibreOffice...): we could learn from them!

Finally, the expectations can vary much from user to user.
And it's not trivial to have a good workflow, when the user just expect the ease of copying and pasting.
From your example, I fully agree that italics and bolds should survive the process... but, for sure not the font!
How to get both -- your and mine -- behaviors?
Font size should somehow be respected, but not "to the point": if my document is at 12 pts and the source at 14, I for sure don't want to the pasted text to be bigger than the rest! But if some text is bigger than the rest, well, it would be nice to see that way also in Scribus.
How to tackle this?

All in all:
I fully agree that it would be nice to (optionally) be able to paste formatted text into Scribus.
Even if a (somehow) working alternative already exists, it would probably make many people much more at ease when learning to do layouts.
But, I fear that this is a further case where throwing money at Scribus won't do much.
What you can try: finding someone (a company?) that is willing to program this for Scribus.
A good starting point is probably the implementation in LibreOffice.
But even then, be warned: It's not always easy to get "foreign code" to be integrated into Scribus.
Still the IndigoUI project shows that it's not impossible!


2025-02-03 20:42

administrator   ~0052001

Some progress on Apple Pages copy/paste:
image.png (133,391 bytes)   
image.png (133,391 bytes)   


2025-02-05 20:03

administrator   ~0052013

That's committed now


2025-02-05 20:12

administrator   ~0052014

image-2.png (220,666 bytes)   
image-2.png (220,666 bytes)   


2025-02-21 16:17

administrator   ~0052081

Now some Word stuff is working ok
image-3.png (127,834 bytes)   
image-3.png (127,834 bytes)   


2025-02-21 17:31

manager   ~0052082



2025-02-23 19:36

administrator   ~0052109

image-4.png (112,634 bytes)   
image-4.png (112,634 bytes)   

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-10 09:02 Rajagopala New Issue
2025-01-10 15:58 jghali Priority immediate => normal
2025-01-11 09:08 ale Note Added: 0051904
2025-02-03 20:42 cbradney Note Added: 0052001
2025-02-03 20:42 cbradney File Added: image.png
2025-02-05 20:03 cbradney Note Added: 0052013
2025-02-05 20:12 cbradney Note Added: 0052014
2025-02-05 20:12 cbradney File Added: image-2.png
2025-02-21 16:17 cbradney Note Added: 0052081
2025-02-21 16:17 cbradney File Added: image-3.png
2025-02-21 17:31 ale Note Added: 0052082
2025-02-23 19:36 cbradney Note Added: 0052109
2025-02-23 19:36 cbradney File Added: image-4.png