View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0014258ScribusImport / Exportpublic2016-08-11 08:47
Reporterschuitem Assigned Tojghali  
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
Platformx86OSWindowsOS Version10
Product Version1.5.2 
Summary0014258: SVG file not imported correctly
DescriptionI tried to import the attached apple-green.svg file into scribus 1.5.2 but it seems that the svg file is not correctly imported: see the not-ok screenshot attached. Also exporting the scribus document to pdf did not solve the output problem. Internet Explorer 11.494 did display this svg file correct.
Steps To ReproduceOpen svg provided in Additional Information
Additional Information<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
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          transform="matrix(1.7247 0 0 2.1853 -131.68 -142.84)"
          d="m223.09 127.66l6.6-11.18s2.97-7.82 10.11-11.06c7.15-3.23 12.81-2.29 12.81-2.29l7.41 6.34s-10.78-2.7-22.51 9.3c-11.73 11.99-19.01 16.17-19.01 16.17-1.85-2.82-3.5 4.88 4.59-7.28z"
          transform="matrix(1.2231 -.079880 .079880 1.2231 -36.666 .48925)"
          transform="matrix(1.2257 0 0 1.2257 -24.046 -16.961)"
            d="m214.7 131.12l6.08 0.24c-2.53 1.72 4.83-35.347 16.01-42.737 4.84-3.194-1.2-12.315-3.82-10.933 0 0-6.47 4.671-7.23 8.094s-6.72 17.606-8.13 27.846-2.56 14.89-2.91 17.49z"
            d="m233.13 78.205c-0.13 0.094-1.51 1.101-3.09 2.577-1.65 1.544-3.28 3.574-3.54 4.745-0.45 1.994-2.1 6.279-3.85 11.509-1.76 5.234-3.61 11.284-4.3 16.274-1.32 9.56-2.49 14.88-2.9 17.47l2.64 0.14c-0.01-0.98 0.78-3.48 1.03-5.11 0.52-3.42 1.54-8.17 3.01-13.2 1.47-5.04 3.38-10.35 5.65-14.926 2.26-4.573 4.87-8.407 7.99-10.467 0.9-0.599 1.24-1.355 1.3-2.376s0-2.832-0.56-3.958c-0.55-1.125-1.59-1.589-2.28-2.163-0.35-0.288-0.68-0.461-0.88-0.522-0.19-0.06-0.21 0-0.22 0.007z"
            d="m233.01 80.086c-1.93 1.568-4.25 3.001-5.29 5.349-4.08 10.785-3.95 12.263-6.11 18.325-1.22 4.93-2.08 9.94-3.07 14.92-0.73 3.88-1.44 7.76-2.15 11.64 1.24 0.8 0.82-3.06 1.55-4.41 1.84-14.18 5.33-27.653 10.86-39.624 1.29-2.309 3.6-3.781 5.55-5.454-0.14-0.508-1.01-0.385-1.34-0.746z"
          >Photorealistic Green Apple</dc:title
          >An green apple with much blur inside. \nThe SVG don`t show it correct in Browser.</dc:description
TagsNo tags attached.


duplicate of 0005443 closed gradient and blur not imported 



2016-08-10 19:22


screenshot-not-ok.png (113,717 bytes)   
screenshot-not-ok.png (113,717 bytes)   


2016-08-11 08:47

administrator   ~0041902

Duplicate of 0005443. This svg contains blur effects. Such effects are not natively supported by PDF format and consequently not by Scribus.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-08-10 19:22 schuitem New Issue
2016-08-10 19:22 schuitem File Added: screenshot-not-ok.png
2016-08-11 08:47 jghali Note Added: 0041902
2016-08-11 08:47 jghali Relationship added duplicate of 0005443
2016-08-11 08:47 jghali Status new => resolved
2016-08-11 08:47 jghali Resolution open => duplicate
2016-08-11 08:47 jghali Assigned To => jghali
2016-08-11 08:47 jghali Status resolved => closed