View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0017309ScribusUser Interfacepublic2024-12-08 11:41
Reportertropion Assigned Tocbradney  
Status closedResolutionreopened 
OSWindowsOS Version10 
Product Version1.7.0.svn 
Fixed in Version1.6.3.svn 
Summary0017309: shortcut for itemAttributes does not work
DescriptionThe dialog for the attributes does not open with the assigned shortcut Ctrl+E. Not even when the local menu is open.
Steps To Reproducestart scribus.
press 't',
draw a textframe.
press Ctrl+E.
note that nothing happens.
right click on the textframe to open the local menu.
see that Ctrl+E should open the attributes dialog.
press Ctrl+E.
note that nothing happens.
TagsNo tags attached.



2024-11-18 20:42

administrator   ~0051590

Control E should be assigned to image effects by default.
Otherwise, something else is swallowing the keystroke.


2024-11-21 16:06

reporter   ~0051623

The 'Ctrl+E' being used for image effects is not the problem. I can assign any shortcut to "itemAttributes" and it still does not work.

The ScrAction "itemAttributes" never reaches anything, because it never gets added to a lasting widget. The addAction() adding it to the local menu does not really work, because while the local menu is open the shortcut "A" from the menu Text "&Attributes" somehow wins, and once the local menu is closed, the action is no longer added to something.

A solution would be to introduce a menu item for "itemAttributes". This would implicitly call addAction() and add "itemAttributes" to the itemMenu.
If "itemAttributes" shall not have a menu item it would be necessary to call addAction() explicitly and add the ScrAction "itemAttributes" to something like the itemMenu or the ScribusMainWindow.

I found this about QActions (
"Actions are added to widgets using QWidget::addAction() or QGraphicsWidget::addAction(). Note that an action must be added to a widget before it can be used. This is also true when the shortcut should be global (i.e., Qt::ApplicationShortcut as Qt::ShortcutContext)."


2024-11-21 16:46

administrator   ~0051624

I committed a change and hence resolved this. Please get the latest code. Re-resolving

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-11-14 16:11 tropion New Issue
2024-11-14 16:11 tropion File Added: scribus.cpp
2024-11-18 20:42 cbradney Note Added: 0051590
2024-11-19 22:02 jghali File Deleted: scribus.cpp
2024-11-19 22:53 cbradney Assigned To => cbradney
2024-11-19 22:53 cbradney Status new => resolved
2024-11-19 22:53 cbradney Resolution open => fixed
2024-11-19 22:53 cbradney Fixed in Version => 1.6.3.svn
2024-11-21 16:06 tropion Status resolved => feedback
2024-11-21 16:06 tropion Resolution fixed => reopened
2024-11-21 16:06 tropion Note Added: 0051623
2024-11-21 16:46 cbradney Note Added: 0051624
2024-11-21 16:47 cbradney Status feedback => resolved
2024-12-08 11:41 cbradney Status resolved => closed