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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0017430ScribusGeneralpublic2025-02-27 17:39
Reporterale Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version1.7.1.svn 
Summary0017430: The preview in "Arrange pages" can make Scribus very slow
Descriptionnitramr is already aware of this, but i think it's worth to have a ticket to track this.

when the document gets too complex, the large preview in the "Arrange pages" can make Scribus way too slow.

reducing the "size" of the preview seems to solve provide a performance i didn't even think was possible (400 pages documents... mostly text...)

personally, i think that for most documents, the hi-res preview is nice to have.
the question is: how can we avoid that it makes scribus too slow?
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2025-02-26 20:38

manager   ~0052127

here a draft of few ideas:

- clippy pops up and tells the user that the scribus is getting slower and it might be time to switch to a low res preview
- we add an "automatic" mode (which would then be the default) with an heuristic that counts the number of page and / or chars and / or text frames and reduces the resolution when it thinks that its now time to do so
- default to a lower res
- when the user adds a considerable number of pages, add to the "add page" dialog a warning to reduce the resolution of the preview


2025-02-26 23:08

developer   ~0052129

Another option is to optimize the page rendering algorithm. When a change is detected on a page, all page previews are updated. A better approach would be to identify only the pages that have really changed and re-render the previews.


2025-02-27 17:39

manager   ~0052131

i like that : - )


2025-02-27 17:39

administrator   ~0052132

I made a change related to a related issue recently : when soft profting + gamut check was on, the page preview was reloading images systematically so as to display the page without soft proofing. I had to disable that behavior, otherwise Scribus was continuously reloading images, which was bringing it to a halt.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-26 20:35 ale New Issue
2025-02-26 20:38 ale Note Added: 0052127
2025-02-26 23:08 nitramr Note Added: 0052129
2025-02-27 17:39 ale Note Added: 0052131
2025-02-27 17:39 jghali Note Added: 0052132