View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002148ScribusOS-PPCOSXpublic2005-10-02 23:30
ReporterImion Assigned Toavox  
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
PlatformMacOSXOSOS XOS Version10.4
Product Version1.3.0cvs 
Summary0002148: Scribus crashes on startup
DescriptionWhile Scribus is searching for Fonts it crashes. I never started the Aquaport. Frameworks are installed.
Steps To Reproducesimply starting Scribus
TagsNo tags attached.


has duplicate 0002362 closedavox Scribus hangs or crashes while searching for fonts 



2005-07-03 13:58

updater   ~0005357

Apparently there is an issue if you have a lot of fonts installed (> 200).
I've a possible fix which will be included in the next (July) snapshot. Needs to be tested then.


2005-07-25 17:01

updater   ~0005719

try (re)installing the Fontconfig.framework. Then call /Library/Framework/Fontconfig2.framework/bin/fc-list. This might take some time if the font-cache1 files are not on your system already.

Please report if this helps!

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2005-06-28 17:07 Imion New Issue
2005-07-03 13:57 avox Status new => assigned
2005-07-03 13:57 avox Assigned To => avox
2005-07-03 13:58 avox Note Added: 0005357
2005-07-25 17:01 avox Note Added: 0005719
2005-10-01 11:03 avox Relationship added has duplicate 0002362
2005-10-01 13:46 avox Status assigned => resolved
2005-10-01 13:46 avox Resolution open => duplicate
2005-10-02 23:30 avox Status resolved => closed
2014-10-08 18:38 Kunda Category PPCOSX => OS-PPCOSX