View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006331ScribusGeneralpublic2007-12-28 09:04
ReporterCapt_KA Assigned Tojghali  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Platformx86OSWindowsOS VersionXP
Product Version1.3.3.10svn 
Target Version1.3.3.10Fixed in Version1.3.3.10svn 
Summary0006331: Creation of external weblinks no longer works
DescriptionCreation of external weblinks are no longer possible with this version when document is exported to PDF. The previous build svn (070823) did not exhibit this error.
Steps To ReproduceRecreation of problem:

1. Create LARGE text frame (easier to find on an empty paper): Press [T] and draw a box
2. Right-click on text frame >> click on "PDF Options" >> click on "Is PDF Annotation"
3. Double-click on the text frame >> "Annotation Properties" window opens
4. Under "Type:" choose "External Web-Link"
5. In the "Destination:" field type "" >> click "OK"
6. Export PDF.
7. Open PDF with Acrobat Reader.
8. The supposedly external link is pointing to the directory where the PDF file has been saved instead to ""
TagsNo tags attached.


child of 0005640 closedplinnell Release 



2007-10-07 16:12

administrator   ~0017548

Last edited: 2007-10-07 16:12

This issue is caused by a test patch which is built for now only in for Windows. The patch has been updated to solve this issue. Thanks for reporting.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2007-10-07 11:26 Capt_KA New Issue
2007-10-07 11:55 plinnell Status new => confirmed
2007-10-07 11:56 plinnell Relationship added child of 0005640
2007-10-07 16:12 jghali Status confirmed => resolved
2007-10-07 16:12 jghali Fixed in Version =>
2007-10-07 16:12 jghali Resolution open => fixed
2007-10-07 16:12 jghali Assigned To => jghali
2007-10-07 16:12 jghali Note Added: 0017548
2007-10-07 16:12 jghali Note Edited: 0017548
2007-10-21 12:04 plinnell Status resolved => closed
2007-12-20 22:50 cbradney Target Version =>
2007-12-28 09:04 cbradney Target Version =>