View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0008138ScribusGraphics / Image Framespublic2009-06-17 21:22
ReporterTimoi Assigned Tojghali  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version1.3.5svn 
Fixed in Version1.3.5svn 
Summary0008138: Bug with image frames offsetting image in relation to the basepoint
DescriptionI'm currently creating some pages for a slideshow whereby images should be centrally placed. In order make them as central as possible, and so I can easily change them to different sizes, I simply set the base point to the centre and the images are displayed nicely in the middle of the frames.

However, when I close down and then reopen the document all the base points have changed back to the top-left and as such all the images are now anchored to the top-left. With a 40 page document it is frustrating have to change them all every time I open and close it.

As a frame's base point can change how a document looks, I think its value should be stored in its .sla file to allow consistency between sessions.
TagsNo tags attached.


has duplicate 0008297 closedjghali Position of image within frame incorrectly depends on UI setting 
related to 0008168 closedjghali Have image frames save their base point 



2009-06-11 15:54

reporter   ~0021914

The base point is not an attribute of the frame. Setting the basepoint is a palette’s setting. If you re-set to central point when you open the document, it will keep on this setting whatever frame is selected, adjusting values in fields accordingly but _not_ altering frames positions.

If you can demonstrate a frame move when changing the basepoint, it would be a serious bug. He re I can’t.


2009-06-11 16:38

reporter   ~0021916

The frame itself doesn't change, but the location of the image within the frame changes.

For me the following steps reproduce it every time:

Create a new image frame, get an image, set it to 'Scale To Frame Size' (make sure 'Proportional' is ticked), then change the basepoint and the image will anchor itself to that position.

Its a very handy feature, if it didn't reset itself every time it was closed!


2009-06-11 16:54

reporter   ~0021917



2009-06-11 17:13

administrator   ~0021918

The problematic function is PageItem::AdjustPictScale(). It uses the current basepoint for document to compute new picture position. As Pierre mentionend it basepoint is not stored at pageitem level, so that function has not a single chance to give expected result quite long. Any document dependent code should be *removed* from that function.


2009-06-11 18:05

reporter   ~0021919

The anchoring feature should just be moved to the 'Image' tab of the properties pallet.


2009-06-11 18:52

administrator   ~0021920

Certainly not moved, but a similar feature should be added to the image tab. The basepoint feature must stay in the X,Y,Z tab.


2009-06-16 21:46

administrator   ~0021964

The broken code which was causing image to move when changing basepoint in X,Y,Z tab has now been disabled. It's currently not possible to fix this for 1.3.5 as this would need breaking string freeze.


2009-06-17 21:21

administrator   ~0021968

Resolving this, as the reported bug has been fixed, 0008168 now takes over as the feature part of this bug.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-06-11 10:21 Timoi New Issue
2009-06-11 15:54 pierremarchand Note Added: 0021914
2009-06-11 16:38 Timoi Note Added: 0021916
2009-06-11 16:54 pierremarchand Note Added: 0021917
2009-06-11 17:13 jghali Note Added: 0021918
2009-06-11 18:05 Timoi Note Added: 0021919
2009-06-11 18:52 jghali Note Added: 0021920
2009-06-16 21:46 jghali Note Added: 0021964
2009-06-17 21:20 cbradney Issue cloned: 0008168
2009-06-17 21:20 cbradney Relationship added related to 0008168
2009-06-17 21:21 cbradney Severity feature => minor
2009-06-17 21:21 cbradney Note Added: 0021968
2009-06-17 21:21 cbradney Status new => resolved
2009-06-17 21:21 cbradney Fixed in Version => 1.3.5svn
2009-06-17 21:21 cbradney Resolution open => fixed
2009-06-17 21:21 cbradney Assigned To => cbradney
2009-06-17 21:21 cbradney Assigned To cbradney => jghali
2009-06-17 21:21 cbradney Status resolved => closed
2009-06-17 21:22 cbradney Summary Have image frames save their base point => Bug with image frames offsetting image in relation to the basepoint
2009-07-17 18:05 jghali Relationship added has duplicate 0008297
2015-09-17 20:10 Kunda Category Graphics / Image Frames => Graphics/Img Frames
2015-09-17 20:11 Kunda Category Graphics/Img Frames => Graphics / Image Frames